So there was a sweet book sale at the library yesterday. A stack of books 1 foot high--US$1. Among the booty I collected, Medieval II: Total War for PC; a companion book and companion record to a slide series on Greece (no slides though...). Bonus: the record is narrated by Vincent Price. I also picked up this random book on Oman, circa 1970. Since I was bored, I decided to do some sketches from it:

Also, random Havelock drawing:

I've been using a Micron 05 pen a lot lately, mainly because my favored Micron 03 pen is pretty much used up. However, I wasn't getting the types of results I wanted in my inking. The tip is just a little too big.
For this drawing, I decided to try something new. I used my favorite pen of all time to do the clean-up--a Zebra F-301. It's actually a ballpoint pen, but I've been using it to sketch with for about a year now, so I have good control with it. It's what I used to do the sketches above.
Anyway, I like the results. I've never been a fan of the super-clean, super-tight inked drawing. The sketchiness I get with the Zebra as opposed to the Micron is more my style.
Also, I'm playing around with color:

Personally, the first one is my favorite, but I was hoping for some opinions.
I added some shading to the last one.