I have a very busy schedule so my off-time is rare and precious. I guess I have been playing quite a few video games. The first two drawings are of Tracer from the new game Overwatch. I actually started these before I bought the game (yesterday) because I have seen things online and really liked her character design. One of the things I need to work on is painting and lighting. I feel like I did pretty decent but I used a lot of references. Now I feel I need to add textures to my list.
The next one is another video game, this one that I have been playing a lot called Last of Us. Though this bunch is more based on the comic prequel.
Then as I draw I have been drawing things that I watch on TV. I watched the movie Coraline and drew while watching.

And here are a couple other random things I have drawn. I need to find more stuff to finish but I find that if I try to clean things up it kills the feel of it. Also cleaning lines means I have to make decisions on how hands are supposed to be but I am bad at drawing hands.

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